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About the International Travel Writers Alliance

The International Travel Writers Alliance is the world's largest association of professional travel journalists.

Our journalists

Writers | Editors | Broadcasters | Photographers

The International Travel Writers Alliance represents journalists who have a 'genuine and professional ' interest in travelling worldwide to write, edit, broadcast or create images.

Of our journalists we have:
53% in Europe
37% in North America
10% in Australia, New Zealand and the rest of the world
Our journalists   

Our partners and agencies

Travel and tourism industries | Travel and tourism agencies

The Alliance also works closely with representatives of the travel and tourism industries worldwide, and with those agencies who have travel and tourism related clients.

The Alliance provides its journalists with information from its partners and agencies through the twice-monthly bulletin and through a range of other initiatives.

The Alliance team

Ashley Gibbins


Chief Executive

+44 (0) 7764 198 286

Ann Mealor


Managing Director

+44 (0) 7971 596 925

Malgo Bednarz



+44 (0) 7522 180 115

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